Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Tell Me Something Good

Okay, loyal fans. You've been toyed with long enough. The truth is....(what is the truth? shit...why would I ever start a sentence with the phrase "the truth is"? That is just asking to be called out on your disingenuous bullshit. GODDAMMIT. Okay, okay, still time to recover....everyone likes the truth...right?). So, as I was casually saying, the truth is that I may not be totally up to the task of writing a very well-constructed blog focussing on a single theme every month of my life. Or every two months of my life...or three...or, well, whatever.

So, Neuro Crash Girl is going to experience a bit of a metamorphosis. I know that after reading SIX WHOLE POSTS followed by months of silence it is going to be a huge adjustment for you. Fear not, loyal readers, for NCG would never subject you to this fate unless she had faith that you were entirely up for the task of altering your reading strategies to accommodate her writing whims. Hopefully, the whole experience will result in a lot more interaction and fun for both of us. Things may be a bit more casual, a bit more mundane and less story-like, but I think that's what needs to happen. Blogs need air to survive, and this one was on its death bed. Time to blow this fucker up.

Oh....and there might be more profanity too.


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